Anand Martin Foundation started in August 31, 1988

ART AND-CULTURE — The “Art and Culture of India” exhibit opened over the weekend at Hunter ‘Museum of Art with Indian Deputy Am- bassador to the United States A.N. Ram attendig.

A brunch for the India Association of Chatta- ‘nooga was held at the home of Sushan Anand to celebrate the opening of the exhibit,

Pictured at the brunch are, from left, seated, Particia Erdman, Phyllis Bruce, Davey Herwitz,

Dolores Chandra, Congresswoman. Marilyn Lloyd and Kathy Anand, and, standing, Channap- pa Chandra, Ed Shanks, Cleve Searbrough, Sushan Anand, Chester Herwitz, Daniel Herwitz and Karl Sooder. (Staff photo by Bruce Hinton)