
Anand Martin Foundation

Anand Martin Foundation Inc. was founded by Sushan and his wife Cathy Anand, daughter of D.C. Martin, a World War II veteran. The foundation is a 501(c)(3), not-for- profit organization and it aims to provide affordable housing to homeless veteran and at risk citizens of Greater Chattanooga, Tennessee area.

Through its Chattanooga Community Development Project, the foundation aims to alleviate poverty and to build a healthy and stable community through financial empowerment of its less privileged members…

Rental Help

HUD helps apartment owners offer reduced rents to low-income tenants. To apply, contact or visit the management office of each apartment building that interests you.

Subsidized Apartments

Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) – To apply for either type of help, visit your local Public Housing Agency (PHA).

Need advice?

Contact a housing counseling agency, Other Tennessee Resources, USDA Rural Housing Printable Housing Program Guide – Resources for Individuals and Families, Rentals, Home Repairs, Loans and Grants, Local tenant rights, laws and protections, Help with your utility bills

Our Design

Why Build New Town – Homes?

There are many reasons why the foundation believes that building new town-homes would be an effective and efficient solution to housing problem. Building new town-homes would be an effective measure because new designs allow you to pack a lot more into a square mile than you could in old designs. One of the new trends in construction are buildings that have separate units that contain common roofs, walls, and floors. This style of building utilizes space more effectively and takes less time to build. Saving time is cost effective as well; one can save a lot more on labor, transportation and overhead by cutting the construction time.

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