General Restrictions for Auto-Oriented uses
- The only off-street parking allowed between the primary building frontage and the primary street is for temporary parking (for drop-offs, etc.) and/or handicapped spaces.
- When a setback deeper than fifteen (15) feet is proposed, in addition to requiring street trees planted along a sidewalk, an additional a street yard, buffer plantings or other landscape treatments (as outlined in the City Landscape Ordinance, see Section 39-593(3) and Section 38-595(5) for details and standards) is required.
- Small scaled, stand alone drive-throughs or “drive-ups” are not allowed.
- Canopies should be designed as secondary (in size, scope and use) to the primary building.
- Roof signs, billboards and/or other off premise signs are not permitted.
- The sides and tops of canopies cannot be illuminated or include additional signage.
- Lighting must be directed downwards to reduce excessive glare and light pollution.
- All mechanical equipment, whether on the ground or rooftop, excluding small scale alternative energy systems, shall be screened from all public rights-of-way.
- The display and/or sale of vehicles (excluding scooters, bicycles and other non-motorized craft) requires a street edge treatment at the public right-of-way as described in Section 38-208(1). The following shall be screened from view from all public rights-of-way: the outdoor storage of equipment and products, other apparatus related to vehicular sales and/or repairs; and loading and parking areas for large, heavy-use vehicles, dump trucks, repair vans and/or fleets.
- Garage doors and loading docks shall not front or be visible from the primary street.